Hoe doe je dat nou, een kantoor bouwen dat 50% meer energie opwekt dan het zelf verbruikt, dat is opgebouwd uit hernieuwbare grondstoffen, en dat een ontwerpcertificaat met 94,19% behaalt onder het onafhankelijke internationale duurzaamheidscertificaat Breeam ?
Deze casestudy geeft inzicht, net als de mini-tentoonstelling in de entreehal van het nieuwe kantoor.
De doelstelling is om zoveel mogelijk potentiele bouwers te helpen zodat die zo effectief en efficiƫnt mogelijk komen tot een zo duurzaam mogelijk gebouw.
Geelen Counterflow Energy Plus Office
dinsdag 1 september 2015
zaterdag 17 januari 2015
The Great Green Wall
Having known for months where it would come, having stared at the empty wall for so long, nothing had prepared us for the impact, once our Great Green Wall was finished this week. All of a sudden the final picture of our new workspace was emerging and it would be fair to say that we were impressed:-) Now let's do the commissioning so we can move in on February 27!
zaterdag 1 november 2014
Top score!
Our new Energy-Plus-Office has been awarded top score, "five stars" under the international BREEAM building certification system. BREEAM assesses management, health, energy, transport, water, materials, waste, land-use, ecology and pollution.
So far over 250.000 buildings in over 60 countries have been assessed. In the Netherlands the system is administered by the Dutch Green Building Council (DGBC). The overall score for this office of 94,19 out of 100 is the highest ever awarded by the DGBC and one of the highest worldwide.
The award will be presented to the design team on November 13, 2014 during the national "Duurzaam Gebouwd" conference in Maastricht.
The design team consists of Rob Wolfs, Ron Hochstenbach, Robert de Bourgraaf, Ad van de Ven, Jos Wagemans and Sander Geelen.
donderdag 19 juni 2014
Impressions in 3D

On their new website, "www.architectenbouwmeesters.nl", our architects Rob Wolfs and Ron Hochstenbach have some nice impressions in 3D of what the final result is supposed to be at the end of this year. Visualisations by Pim4 (www.pim4.nl)
woensdag 18 juni 2014
maandag 16 juni 2014
donderdag 12 juni 2014
Highest point
"Can you please prepare a short speech for next week to celebrate the fact that we are reaching the highest point ?"
- "What ?!?"
Only a few weeks ago we were still walking around in an empty basement. And now we have reached the highest point of a 2700m2 three floor office ? I must admit I was not expecting this question so soon after we started construction.
The building speed is truly amazing with this system. Every day I walk around now I find myself in new rooms. Only last night the top floor consisted of two spaces only. This afternoon I nearly got lost finding my way back to the stairs.
The German assembly team of Rombach Nur Holz are doing an incredibly fast and professional job. They were not at all slowed down by last weekend's theft of 30.000 Euro worth of building tools. They just drove to the nearest professional tool store (in Germany...) and continued.
The water of last weekend is already gone. The wood dries very fast in this weather and there are no signs of lasting damage. Roofing starts next week.
Still on schedule and on budget.
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